Tag Archive for moving

Update, and New Sites Coming Soon

Book and Pen

Hi readers. I know I’m bad at keeping this blog updated, but I just wanted to check in in case anyone is wondering what happened to me. I feel like I have out grown this type of blog, I am in the process of creating a new personal website that will serve as a professional portfolio for my writing.


In the meantime, I have recently started writing on HubPages. Check out my articles! My favorite ones I’ve posted so far are Naughty Children Watch Out, Krampus is Coming to Town, Shield-Maidens or Housewives? The Real Role of Viking Women, and Introducing A New Kitten to Your Resident Cats. The rest of my HubPages “Hubs” can be read from my profile. For writers who want to write about many different topics, I think it makes more sense to publish them on sites like HubPages than in a blog (unless you want to have a bunch of separate blogs for different topics, and are willing to actually keep them all updated). While I do get search traffic on this blog for my video game posts, I think I will have more success with most topics on HubPages. It also gives me a place to publish some of my writing to link back to when my portfolio website goes live.

I am also planning on expanding my business, Nýbiru Studio LLC, to provide freelance writing services including copywriting, content writing, blog posts, email marketing and newsletters, product descriptions, and other custom writing services. I may also offer social media services and graphic design.

I will keep this website up since people are still searching for QR codes for Miis and other 3DS game content. I may post more here in the future if I have such things to share.

On a personal note, my husband and I bought a house last December, and I graduated with my Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing and English last spring. I have accepted a new job as a substitute teacher for this school year, but ultimately I am going to focus on my career as a writer. My goal for 2018 is to build up my freelancing business, continue adding to my portfolio, and hopefully get a regular job as a writer.


I didn’t realize it’s been so long since I’ve updated my blog. Where does the time go. Anyway, spring semester ended a few weeks ago. I haven’t had time to work on my own projects much lately, but I’m planning on teaching myself some things in Unity this summer before fall semester starts.

I’m also moving to Lakewood in a couple weeks, so a lot of my free time will be devoted to packing for the move. Well, that and Mario Kart 8. There’s always time for Mario Kart.

Anyway, we chose Lakewood because it’s between my workplace and school and my boyfriend’s new workplace, and because it seems like a much nicer (and safer!) area than Elyria, even if it means we’re going to get fat from Angelo’s Pizza and Melt!

That’s all I have right now.

Just an Update

As always, I’ve been busy and forgot to update this blog for a long time. Since the last time you’ve heard from me, my boyfriend and I have moved out of our small apartment and into a townhouse. I’ve also decided to go back to school for video game design this fall. So here’s everything that’s going on in my life right now:

Our new place is pretty awesome. We have an extra bedroom, which I have turned into a classic gaming room (pictures to come!) We still need to get some poster frames so we can finish decorating.

As long as nothing happens with my financial aid, I’ll be going back to school for video game design. I realized that, at this point, I’m probably never going to “grow up” and decide on a grown-up type of career, so I might as well try to make a career out of something I actually enjoy.

I bought a Kinect as soon as we moved into our new place, since we have enough living room space for it now. I’ve already lost a little bit of weight playing it. I’m hoping to get into awesome shape so I can go to the beach this summer, not look like a gamer stereotype when school starts, and be able to pull off a Golden Axe cosplay.

I won’t be at Colossalcon this year (unless we decide to go for maybe one day), since my friend is getting married that Saturday, and I’m going to be a bridesmaid. It would be pretty douchey to skip a friend’s wedding for something like that. But I’ll hopefully be able to go to other cons later this summer.

I did go to Shinbokucon, which was pretty much how you’d expect Shinbokucon to be. We just reused our Elfen Lied costumes for that, since that con isn’t really worth making a whole new cosplay.

I guess that’s about it for now. I don’t have any photos for this post, so I’ll use one from my Elfen Lied cosplay. Notice how I switched from the horns to bows.

Our New Apartment

Here's my awesome desk. I believe you have my stapler...

We’ve had our new apartment for over a month. I promised I’d show off the place in my blog, even though anyone who actually cares about it has already seen it in person by now. Anyway, Here’s some photos of our awesome new apartment.

Here's my awesome desk. I believe you have my stapler...

Here's my awesome desk. I believe you have my stapler...

Here's our built-in bookshelves. This is were we keep our action figures and other nerdy crap.

Here's our built-in bookshelves. This is were we keep our action figures and other nerdy crap.

Hans let me hang my Sailor Moon wall scroll in the living room!

Hans let me hang my Sailor Moon wall scroll in the living room!

I decorated our air conditioner with Sailor Moon dolls and a dinosaur lamp.

I decorated our air conditioner with Sailor Moon dolls and a dinosaur lamp.

I’ve done some other stuff that was actually somewhat interesting over the the past month, such as go to an anime convention. (Read about it at 8BitBites!)

I will also be publishing short stories and novels in ebook form. My first one is just about ready to be published. Check back for my next post to find out how you can get them!


Great news: Hans and I are moving to our new apartment this Sunday! Okay, if you are someone we actually care about you already know by now, and are probably getting sick of hearing about it. If you are just some random internet stalker, you now know a new cool story.

After looking at a few places, we found a great one bedroom apartment that we both really liked in an undisclosed location. We viewed the apartment for the second time and got the application Monday, applied Tuesday, were approved Wednesday, and signed the lease Thursday. It has been a busy week. We are now enjoying 2 days of rest (AKA packing) before moving in on Sunday.

Our apartment is in a nice, quiet community of mostly 40-50 year olds, so it won’t be infested with small children or drunk college kids. We won’t be bothered by annoying people our age, unless we decided to invite our friends over! We also hit the neighbor jackpot, as the landlady said that all of our nextdoor neighbors are rarely there during times we’ll be home. The walls are also thick enough that we probably won’t hear them (and vice versa) anyway. Yay not having paper thin walls in our bedroom!

We have all of our furniture covered too! Through the wonders of FaceBook and actually having real-life friends, we’re getting an awesome couch and chair set and a lamp from a good friend. We also got a not-so-awesome, but functional, computer desk from a friend of a friend. Between the two of us, we already had everything else we need.

I can’t wait to finally have our own place! We’re going to have so much fun building couch forts and playing awesome board games like Hungry Hungry Hippos, Candyland, and Pokemon Monopoly all night. (That’s what couples who live together do, right? Build forts and play children’s board games? This is the first time either of us has lived with someone, so we’re new to this!). Since Hans just turned 8 on February 29th, I figured he’d like to have some fun games to play. I need to keep him entertained while I’m kitchening. (Who am I kidding? After a week or two, he probably won’t let me kitchen any more).

Maybe I’ll post pictures of our new place in a future post. Or maybe they’ll just go on FaceBook if I even bother to take photos. We probably won’t get internets until the middle of next week sometime, so I probably won’t post right away unless I go to the college to borrow some internets.

Yay! 🙂


Our New Home

While looking at apartments and houses to rent, I realized that it would make more sense to just build a new home. Most rentals in my price range are in the ghetto or infested with small children and drunk college kids. Since my boyfriend didn’t seem to like my suggestion that we build our house out of dirt and stuff, I had to find an alternate building material. I think it turned out pretty good. Take a look at our photos and let me know what you think!

Here Hans and I are standing outside of our beautiful new home. It’s a cozy ranch style home built from the highest quality red bricks. It even features an iconic white picket fence, representative of the American dream (no, there will not be 2.5 kids or minivans any time soon):

Jen and Hans standing in front of their new home.

A new house isn’t complete without a new car! Since we don’t need a minivan, we opted to get a more fun, sportier vehicle. Here we are in our brand-new sports car sitting in our driveway:

Jen and Hans test driving their new car

Let’s go inside now, shall we? In this next photo, you can see Hans and I enjoying a meal in our modern, minimalist new kitchen. It was my turn to cook dinner today. I decided to make an Ethiopian recipe that I’ve been wanting to try out:

Hans and I enjoying a meal in our dinning area.

Now let’s head on over to the bedroom. Here Hans and I are testing out our super comfortable new queen-size Tempur-Pedic mattress:

Our New Bedroom

I hope you enjoyed your photo tour of our new home!