Archive for eBooks

The Selkie Wife: A Short Story Inspired by Celtic Folklore


My short story, The Selkie Wife (originally titled The Selkie) is now available to read for free on

In this retelling of Celtic legends, a young fisherman named Conall loses his beloved wife Mairenn to the fury of the sea. In his grief, he loses his will to live until he is rescued by a mysterious woman named Moira who appears to have come from the sea itself. Ready to move forward after enduring heartbreaking tragedy, Conall builds a life with Moira. They appear to have a perfect life together, but like Conall himself, Moira seems burdened by constant longing for something she lost long ago.

This story contains seven chapters. You can access each chapter of The Selkie Wife here:

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

10 Reasons Why eBooks Are Better Than Print Books

eBooks vs Print Books

eBooks offer many benefits over traditional print books. Here are 10 reasons why eBooks can be better than print.

10 Reasons Why eBooks Are Better Than Print Books

Even with the rising popularity of eReaders such as the Amazon Kindle and mobile eReading apps, many readers still prefer physical print books to digital eBooks. Though many people prefer the tactile feel of traditional printed media, eBooks do have some distinct benefits and offer versatility that print books cannot. While print books aren’t going away anytime soon, there are many situations in which eBooks provide an advantage over traditional print books.

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The Spiced Pumpkin Village

My newest book, The Spiced Pumpkin Village, is now available through Amazon. The Spiced Pumpkin Village is a lighthearted Halloween-themed story about a girl who finds herself transported to a magical world. Along the way, she learns to accept a part of herself that she has kept secret from even her best friend, as she finds herself developing feelings for a pumpkin spirit girl she meets in the Spiced Pumpkin Village.

Autumn is just an average girl who loves fall and pumpkin spice lattes. She, and her best friend Summer, get lost in the woods the night before Halloween. Autumn never imagined that magic could exist until she gets separated from Summer and finds herself transported to a village inhabited by pumpkin spirits. There, Autumn meets a pumpkin spirit girl named Curpepa and they fall for each other almost instantly. The pumpkin spirits mistake Autumn for one of their own and insist she hide in their village until All Hallows’ Eve is over, as the veil between the spirit world and the human world is weakest during this time of year. The pumpkin spirits seem terrified of humans, so Autumn decides to let them believe she is a spirit. Eventually, Autumn is faced with the decision to reveal that she is a human to save Summer and risk losing Curpepa, or to continue her charade. Along the way in her adventure, Autumn learns to accept herself for who she is and what true friendship really means.

The Spiced Pumpkin Village is suitable for teens and young adults and is available from Amazon and Smashwords. It will also be available from other major ebook retailers soon!

Stardust and Ash: A Collection of Short Stories

I just published a collection of short stories and poetry entitled Stardust and Ash. It is available from Amazon and will be available from other major eBook retailers soon.

Stardust and Ash is a collection of seven science fiction short stories and eight poems, each tied together by a theme of tragedy, loss, and accepting our own mortality. Each story shows the darker side of the human condition. Whether planted firmly on Earth or residing in the far-flung corners of our galaxy; whether living in the present day or in the distant future, the human experience remains much the same. Though we can experience much joy in life, we also must experience much sorrow and pain. The stories in this collection illustrate the latter. Don’t expect a happily ever after from the stories collected in Stardust and Ash.

These stories and poems were written between 2009 and 2015 and are collected for the first time in this single digital edition.

Stardust-and-Ash-coverThe Android – An eccentric millionaire has his body cryonically frozen when he dies, in hopes that he can be revived at some point in the future. He wakes up in the future with his consciousness transferred into the body of an android.

The Escapee – In the midst of an alien attack, one crew member manages to escape in an emergency escape pod, leaving behind the rest of the crew. No one comes for help, and she is stuck alone drifting through space in the escape pod for months.

The Garbage Collector – In the future, Earth begins disposing of its waste via a black hole. The unthinkable happens to one garbage man while on duty.

The Satellite – The Satellite is the first manned spacecraft to be sent to Mars. Commander Martin Stone describes what he is seeing above the Cydonia region of Mars.

The Colonist – A man named Blake is selected to become one of the first people to colonize Mars. Though his ex-girlfriend begs him to stay, he can’t wait to leave behind a planet that has nothing to offer him.

Abduction – After losing control of their craft, one of the members of a surveillance mission wakes up on an alien operating table, surrounded by strange beings. She is helpless to escape.

Dust and Ash – Two lovers spend their final moments on Earth together as they await a nuclear explosion.

Visit Amazon to purchase Stardust and Ash or to read a sample.