How to Properly Water Air Plants

How to Water Air Plants

Air plants are interesting plants with unique watering needs. This guide will help you to keep your air plants properly hydrated.

How to Properly Water Air Plants

Air plants, or tillandsia, are a unique type of plant that require no soil to grow. Instead, these plants take in moisture from the air through special hair-like structures called trichomes on their leaves. Air plants are epiphytes, which means that they are found in the wild growing on other plants. Instead of using their roots to absorb water and nutrients from the soil like most plants, tilandsias use their roots to attach to trees high in the humid rainforest canopy. Because your home is likely much less humid than their native environment, they do still need to be watered occasionally. There are several methods that are often used for watering these plants including misting, dunking, and soaking. This article will tell you how and when to use each method.

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