10 Pollinator-Friendly Perennial Flowers That Grow Well Near Black Walnut Trees

Juglone Tolerant Flowers for Pollinators

Many plants don’t grow well under black walnut trees due to a chemical called juglone contained in every part of these trees. Here are some plants that not only grow well near black walnut trees, but also attract many pollinator species to your garden.

10 Pollinator-Friendly Perennial Flowers That Grow Well Near Black Walnut Trees

If your garden is near a black walnut tree, you probably know that many plants have trouble growing there. This is because black walnut trees produce a chemical called juglone that makes it difficult for many other plants to grow. Black walnut trees have developed this as a way of reducing competition for soil nutrients.

Though many plants won’t survive in soil with high juglone content, there are many that have adapted to these conditions and will do just fine. Here are some juglone-tolerant plants that are especially attractive to pollinator species, such as monarch butterflies, hummingbirds, and bees.

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