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Five Great Native Flowers for Pollinator Gardens in Northeast Ohio

Ohio native plants for pollinators

Attract local pollinators, including bees and butterflies, to your Northeast Ohio garden with these 5 native flowers.

Five Great Native Flowers for Pollinator Gardens in Northeast Ohio

A pollinator garden is simply a garden that features many plants preferred by pollinator species, such as bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Of all the food that humans (and all other creatures) rely on to survive, 80% requires pollination by insects or other animals. Due to human influence in causing climate change, habitat loss, and pollution, pollinator species populations have been rapidly declining in recent years.

By planting a pollinator garden in your own backyard, you can help to do your part in restoring populations of these important species. By planting native pollinator-friendly plants, you help to feed and restore habitat for these creatures that we rely on for our own survival.

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