Tag Archive for mental health

5 Benefits of Volunteering or Doing Community Service

5 Benefits of Volunteering

Volunteering has many benefits for both the community and the volunteers themselves.

5 Benefits of Volunteering or Doing Community Service

Volunteering benefits not only those you are helping but also yourself. Though you most likely are volunteering (or thinking about volunteering) because you want to help others and/or do some good in your community, volunteering also comes with some lasting benefits for the volunteer.

Whether you are volunteering to help your community, individuals, animals, or the environment, what you get back from your acts of service can be worth just as much as the work you put in. Below, we explore five of the main benefits of volunteering in your community.

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How Gardening Improves Your Mental Health

Mental Health Benefits of Gardening

Gardening has been shown to be very beneficial to mental health and well-being.

How Gardening Improves Your Mental Health

Spending time in nature can have a tremendous positive impact on your mental health. Gardening, in particular, has been shown to have numerous mental health benefits, from reducing symptoms of mental health disorders and easing stress to helping you to develop a more positive mindset and helping to strengthen social bonds. Spending more time in your garden is sure to make you feel better and give you a sunnier outlook on life.

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The Many Social Benefits of Playing Video Games

A gamer holding an Xbox 360 controller.

I wrote this article as a research paper for one of my classes at LCCC and recently published it on HubPages because I thought parents of gamers and younger gamers might find it interesting and informative. Since this blog covers video game related topics, I thought it would be useful to share it with my readers here. This article covers how video games may help children to learn valuable social skills. In this article, I discuss how multiplayer and co-operative video games can be particularly useful in helping individuals on the autism spectrum develop social skills.

The Many Social Benefits of Playing Video Games


Though video games have become a popular pastime for children and adults alike in recent years, negative stereotypes of gamers still persist. Conventional wisdom suggests that children and adults who spend a lot of their free time playing video games are socially inept and that video games may stunt the social development of children. But is this true? Recent research suggests that video games may have many social benefits and that certain types of games may even help boost social skills in children who struggle socially, such as those on the autism spectrum.

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