Tag Archive for dogs

10 Pet-Friendly Houseplants That Are Safe for Cats and Dogs

Pet-friendly house plants

It is possible to enjoy a home filled with houseplants even if you have a cat or dog. Here are 10 houseplants that are safe to have in your home if you have pets.

10 Pet-Friendly Houseplants That Are Safe for Cats and Dogs

It is possible for pets and plants to coexist in the same home. While you should try to keep your plants away from your pet’s reach, accidents can always happen. To keep your furry friends safe from potential poisoning from toxic plants, keep only non-toxic plants in your home if you have cats or dogs.

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10 Pet-Friendly Succulents That Are Safe for Cats and Dogs

Pet-friendly Succulents

It is possible to have succulents in your home even if you have pets. Here are ten types of succulents that are non-toxic and safe to have in a home with cats and dogs.

10 Pet-Friendly Succulents That Are Safe for Cats and Dogs

It is possible to have both pets and succulents living together peacefully in the same home. While you should try to keep your succulents and other houseplants out of your furry friend’s reach, it is always possible for accidents to happen despite your best intentions. To keep your fur babies safe from possible poisoning, keep only pet-safe succulents (and pet-friendly plants in general) in your home if you have pet cats or dogs.

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How to Keep Pets Safe During 4th of July Fireworks

How to Keep Pets Safe During Fireworks

Many pets are afraid of fireworks and cats and dogs are more likely to run away or go missing on the 4th of July than any other time of the year. If you are proactive, you can keep your pet safe and calm during the annual fireworks displays.

How to Keep Pets Safe During 4th of July Fireworks

Like most Americans, you have probably been looking forward to summer and the upcoming 4th of July festivities throughout the week of Independence Day. While you are out celebrating with fireworks, barbecues, and beer with your friends and family, it is important not to forget about your furry friends at home. The 4th of July can be an especially scary and dangerous time for cats, dogs, and other pets. Animals don’t understand what is going on when they hear fireworks going off outside, so they can become anxious and afraid. If they are able to get outside, they are likely to get spooked by the sounds of explosions and run away. Each year in the United States, July 5th is the busiest day for animal shelters, as an abundance of runaway pets are found roaming the streets and brought in.

To lessen the chance of harm coming to your furry friends, it is important to take some simple steps to reduce the likelihood that your dogs, cats, or other pets are able to run away during fireworks or be otherwise traumatized or harmed as a result of the 4th of July celebrations:

  1. Keep your pets inside.
  2. Keep ID tags and microchip information up to date.
  3. Make sure your house is safe and comfortable.

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Why You Should Never Shave Your Dog or Cat for the Summer

Why you shouldn't shave your pets for the summer.

Though many pet owners think they need to shave their pets’ coats to keep them cool in the summer, it is usually unnecessary and potentially dangerous. Both cats and dogs have evolved their coats to keep them insulated against extreme temperatures, both hot and cold, and do not need to be shaved when it gets warm outside. The only time you need to shave your pet is for specific health reasons, not just because it is summer.

Why You Should Never Shave Your Dog or Cat for the Summer

Many pet owners believe that shaving their cat or dog’s coat is a good way to keep their furry friend cool during the blazing hot summer months. After all, humans prefer to wear as little clothing as possible in the summer to keep cool and wouldn’t even dream of wearing a fur coat when the temperatures surpass 90 degrees. Perhaps you even get your own hair cut short for the summer to reduce sweating. Doesn’t it make sense to remove your dog or cat’s fur coat so that they can be more comfortable in the hot weather too?

Contrary to popular belief, there is no benefit to shaving your pet’s fur during the summer. The fur of cats and dogs is much different from human hair and actually helps to protect them from the heat and sun. With a few exceptions, veterinarians advise pet owners against shaving their furry friends’ fur during the summer.

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How to Keep Pets Safe During 4th of July Fireworks

How to Keep Pets Safe During 4th of July Fireworks

With the Fourth of July coming up in a couple days, it is important to make sure your pets are safe while neighborhood fireworks are going off. Many pets are afraid of fireworks and cats and dogs are more likely to run away or go missing on the 4th of July than any other time of the year. The day after Independence Day is the busiest day of the year at most animal shelters in the United States. If you are proactive, you can keep your pet safe and calm during the fireworks displays by following these tips.

How to Keep Pets Safe During 4th of July Fireworks

Like most Americans, you are probably excited about the upcoming 4th of July festivities throughout the week of Independence Day. While you are out celebrating with fireworks, barbecues, and beer with your friends and family, it is important not to forget about your furry friends at home. The 4th of July can be an especially scary and dangerous time for cats, dogs, and other pets. Animals don’t understand what is going on when they hear fireworks going off outside, so they can become anxious and afraid. If they are able to get outside, they are likely to get spooked by the sounds of explosions and run away. Each year in the United States, July 5th is the busiest day for animal shelters, as an abundance of runaway pets are found roaming the streets and brought in.

To lessen the chance of harm coming to your furry friends, it is important to take some simple steps to reduce the likelihood that your dog, cat, or other pets are able to run away during fireworks or be otherwise traumatized or harmed as a result of the 4th of July celebrations.

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