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6 YA Fantasy Novels With Bisexual Protagonists

Young Adult fantasy novels with bisexual main characters

Representation is important. These six young adult fantasy and science fiction novels feature main characters who identify as bisexual.

6 YA Fantasy Novels With Bisexual Protagonists

Representation in literature is important, especially for young readers who don’t often see characters like themselves represented in the media. It is important for young readers to see characters like themselves in the books they read to feel like they aren’t alone. Seeing positive representations of characters like oneself can greatly increase the self-esteem of young readers, so it Is very important for authors to include diversity amongst the main characters in their works. Reading about relatable characters also helps to foster a life-long love of reading in teens and young adults.

Even with LGBT+ representation improving in the media, including in literature, it is still rare to see novels featuring well-written, multidimensional bisexual protagonists. Fantasy has long been a favorite genre of people who identify as bisexual. There is just something about creatures and beings that we’re told don’t exist in the real world that bisexual individuals can relate to. These six Young Adult fantasy novels feature main characters who identify as bisexual, or who are demonstratably bi in their stories. People of all ages and identities will enjoy these fantasy novels featuring bisexual characters.

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10 Reasons Why eBooks Are Better Than Print Books

eBooks vs Print Books

eBooks offer many benefits over traditional print books. Here are 10 reasons why eBooks can be better than print.

10 Reasons Why eBooks Are Better Than Print Books

Even with the rising popularity of eReaders such as the Amazon Kindle and mobile eReading apps, many readers still prefer physical print books to digital eBooks. Though many people prefer the tactile feel of traditional printed media, eBooks do have some distinct benefits and offer versatility that print books cannot. While print books aren’t going away anytime soon, there are many situations in which eBooks provide an advantage over traditional print books.

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