Archive for October 2021

How Reading Improves Your Writing

How Reading Improves Your Writing

The easiest way to improve your writing is simply to read!

How Reading Improves Your Writing

One of the most effective ways to improve your writing is to read. By reading more, you are exposed to different writing styles and new ideas. When you read content on a wide variety of subjects, you simply gain more knowledge about the world that you can then incorporate into your writing. You also learn different writing styles, new words, and how to structure your writing more effectively just by taking in written words by other writers.

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5 Benefits of Volunteering or Doing Community Service

5 Benefits of Volunteering

Volunteering has many benefits for both the community and the volunteers themselves.

5 Benefits of Volunteering or Doing Community Service

Volunteering benefits not only those you are helping but also yourself. Though you most likely are volunteering (or thinking about volunteering) because you want to help others and/or do some good in your community, volunteering also comes with some lasting benefits for the volunteer.

Whether you are volunteering to help your community, individuals, animals, or the environment, what you get back from your acts of service can be worth just as much as the work you put in. Below, we explore five of the main benefits of volunteering in your community.

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How Cats’ Cutest Features Are Also Their Deadliest

Cats Deadliest Features are their Cutest

It’s no secret that cats—while one of the most adorable creatures on the planet—are also one of the deadliest. Some of the very features that make felines so endearing to us are also the same features that give them their amazing hunting abilities.

How Cats’ Cutest Features Are Also Their Deadliest

It’s no secret that cats—while one of the most adorable creatures on the planet—are also one of the deadliest. Some of the very features that make felines so endearing to us are also the same features that give them their amazing hunting abilities.

Let’s take a look at which parts of cats that we find so cute have evolved specially to make them fierce predators.

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Keep Your Cat Indoors to Protect the Environment

Keep Cats Indoors to Protect the Environmet

Outdoor cats can disrupt the entire ecosystem by hunting native species to extinction, spreading deadly parasites, and taking food away from native predators.

Keep Your Cat Indoors to Protect the Environment

Though most responsible pet owners understand the importance of keeping their cat as an indoor-only cat for the cat’s safety and health, many never think about the importance of keeping cats inside for environmental reasons. Allowing your cat to roam outdoors can directly contribute to the collapse of entire ecosystems. It is important to understand the effects that pet cats can have on the environment and on native wildlife when left allowed to roam unsupervised.

For both the well-being of your cat and the well-being of the planet, please consider keeping your cat as an indoor-only cat.

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Natural Ways to Control Mosquitoes in Your Garden

Natural Ways to Control Mosquitos

There are many ways to repel and remove mosquitos naturally and organically without having to resort to harmful commercial chemicals.

Natural Ways to Control Mosquitoes in Your Garden

Mosquitoes can make enjoying time in your garden extremely difficult. They are not only irritating, they can also potentially spread diseases to you and your pets. Luckily there are many ways you can discourage mosquitos from taking up residence in your garden and get rid of the ones that are already there. There are many different scents that you can utilize to prevent mosquitos from visiting. For the ones that are not deterred by the deterrents, there are plenty of natural mosquito predators that you can attempt to attract to your yard as extra security against these blood-sucking insects.

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Five Types of Spider Plants for Your Indoor Garden

5 Types of Spider Plants for Your Indoor Garden

Spider plants are one of the best house plants you can bring into your home, and there are many different varieties to choose from.

Five Types of Spider Plants for Your Indoor Garden

Spider plants are one of the most popular houseplants, and for good reason. These tropical-looking plants are very easy to care for and difficult to kill. They are believed to be one of the best houseplants for cleaning the air and removing indoor air pollution, and they are safe to have around cats and dogs. These plants are also very easy to propagate, so you can quickly fill your house with baby spider plants, or gift them to all of your friends and family. There are several different spider plant cultivars to choose from, depending on your personal preferences. All of the available varieties make excellent additions to your home. Here are some of the most popular varieties of spider plants available.

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