Archive for Dinosauring

Dinosauring: A Webcomic About Dinosaurs

Hey everyone! I just wanted to use this post to pimp my webcomic again for any new readers who haven’t checked it out yet. Dinosauring is a weekly webcomic that I started last December. It follows the lives of a heard of Stegosauruses and their other dinosaur friends. It is filled with dinosaur humor, gaming jokes, pop culture references, and fun for all ages! I post a new comic strip every Wednesday!

Dinosauring - Nerds and Popular Kids

Check it out at!

Dinosauring Christmas

Dinosauring Stego Claus

Today is marks the third week of my web comic, Dinosauring. Since today is also Christmas Eve, I did a special 6 panel parody of “‘Twas the Night Before Christmas.”

This strip, ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas, features the three Stegosauruses, Sir Stegington, Gweneira, and Mary Sue, along with a special appearance by Stego Claus.

I hope to make more special holiday comics in the future (including New Years next week!). My interneting goal for the next year (and beyond) is to post a new Dinosauring comic every week, as well as posting here on my blog more often (even if my boyfriend is the only one reading it).

(This post is being filed under “Cool Story Bro.”)

Dinosauring: My New Web Comic

Sir Stegingtonworth from Dinosauring

I’ve been wanting to start a web comic for several years now, and finally did it! It’s called Dinosauring. The site and my first comic went live last week, and I will post a new  one every Wednesday. Check it out at

Dinosauring is a web comic about a herd of stegosauruses and their dinosaur friends. It will be filled with pop culture references, dinosaur humor, and fun for all ages!

My original ideas for Dinosauring involved photographing plastic dinosaurs and combining them with crayon-drawn backgrounds. I wasn’t really happy with how that turned out, and put the whole project on the back-burner again.

I started making Sir Stegingtonworth for my final project for my 3D Modeling class. At around the same time, I started thinking about actually going through with doing the web comic I had been wanting to start for quite some time now. I really liked my Sir Stegingtonworth character and thought he would be great for my web comic, so I got started on making a few more characters in the same style. I haven’t seen anyone else do a web comic by combining 3D and 2D art together, so I hope people will actually like it.

I got several of the characters, the first two comics, and the website finished just in time to show it for my final presentation last Wednesday. The first comic went live last Wednesday, and the second one will be posted this Wednesday. I’m working on plenty more, so look for a new one every week on!