Archive for Animals

How to Keep Pets Safe During 4th of July Fireworks

How to Keep Pets Safe During Fireworks

Many pets are afraid of fireworks and cats and dogs are more likely to run away or go missing on the 4th of July than any other time of the year. If you are proactive, you can keep your pet safe and calm during the annual fireworks displays.

How to Keep Pets Safe During 4th of July Fireworks

Like most Americans, you have probably been looking forward to summer and the upcoming 4th of July festivities throughout the week of Independence Day. While you are out celebrating with fireworks, barbecues, and beer with your friends and family, it is important not to forget about your furry friends at home. The 4th of July can be an especially scary and dangerous time for cats, dogs, and other pets. Animals don’t understand what is going on when they hear fireworks going off outside, so they can become anxious and afraid. If they are able to get outside, they are likely to get spooked by the sounds of explosions and run away. Each year in the United States, July 5th is the busiest day for animal shelters, as an abundance of runaway pets are found roaming the streets and brought in.

To lessen the chance of harm coming to your furry friends, it is important to take some simple steps to reduce the likelihood that your dogs, cats, or other pets are able to run away during fireworks or be otherwise traumatized or harmed as a result of the 4th of July celebrations:

  1. Keep your pets inside.
  2. Keep ID tags and microchip information up to date.
  3. Make sure your house is safe and comfortable.

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What Is Mothman Really? Possible Mundane Explanations

Everyday Explanations for Mothman Encounters

Is Mothman really a paranormal creature who terrorizes residents of West Virginia and its surrounding areas? Or, is there a more logical and mundane explanation for sightings of this cryptid?

What Is Mothman Really? Possible Mundane Explanations

Mothman is a cryptid that first gained notoriety after it was allegedly spotted numerous times in the small town of Point Pleasant, West Virginia in the mid-1960s. Mothman is described as a large creature standing over six-feet tall, with wings six- to ten-feet across, menacing red eyes, and a body covered in gray or black feathers or fur. Mothman is often considered a portent of impending tragedy and is most often associated with the tragic collapse of the Silver Bridge across the Ohio River near Point Pleasant, which killed 46 people in 1967. Sightings of the Mothman have waned since the late 1960s, but there have been reports of sightings in every decade since in West Virginia and surrounding states, including Ohio.

While many cryptozoologists, UFOlogists, and people who are interested in the paranormal believe that Mothman is a supernatural entity, or that the sightings can be attributed to other paranormal phenomena, others believe that there are more mundane, every day explanations for these experiences and sightings.

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10 Reasons Why Jigglypuff Is the Ultimate Cat Pokémon

Is Jigglypuff a cat?

Jigglypuff is the ultimate cat Pokemon in the series. Here are ten reasons why.

10 Reasons Why Jigglypuff Is the Ultimate Cat Pokémon

I know what you’re thinking: “Jigglypuff is a ‘balloon Pokémon,’ not a ‘cat Pokémon!’” I, personally, don’t see why this Pokémon couldn’t be classified as both. Jigglypuff is obviously a cat. This pink puffball Pokémon perfectly exemplifies what it means to be a cat, in both looks and behavior. Allow me to explain.

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Encounters With Grassman: The Eastern Bigfoot of Cuyahoga Valley National Park

Encounters with the Ohio Grassman

Could Cuyahoga Valley National Park be home to a Bigfoot-like creature known as Grassman? Reports by local residents point to yes!

Encounters With Grassman: The Eastern Bigfoot of Cuyahoga Valley National Park

Grassman is a cryptid similar to Bigfoot that is reported to inhabit the grasslands of Ohio. It is also known as the Ohio Grassman and the Eastern Bigfoot. Grassman supposedly gets its name from the small, hut-like nests it builds from tall grasses. Grassmen are reported to stand about 7-9 feet tall and weigh around 300 pounds. According to witnesses and cryptozoologists, this cryptid is similar in appearance to Bigfoot, but shorter and slightly more human-like. Sightings of this creature have been reported in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park and surrounding areas. As an Ohio native, I have visited this park numerous times. Though I have never personally encountered the Ohio Grassman during my visits to the park, many other Ohioans claim they have. Based on the eye-witness accounts, I’m not sure if I’m brave enough to hike through the park at night. Are you?

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Bessie, the Lake Erie Monster: Does Nessie Have a North American Cousin?

Bessie the Lake Erie Monster

As a former employee of a museum that dealt with Great Lakes history, I’ve heard some stories about mysterious sightings in Lake Erie. One of the more fun Lake Erie mysteries to think about is Bessie, the Great Lakes monster. Could Lake Erie be harboring its own aquatic cryptid? Sightings of Bessie the Lake Erie Monster have been reported by sailors and fishermen in the Great Lakes for hundreds of years.

Bessie, the Lake Erie Monster: Does Nessie Have a North American Cousin?

We’ve all heard the stories of Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster who inhabits Loch Ness in the Scottish Highlands. But did you know that there have been reported sightings of a similar cryptid in Lake Erie?

The Lake Erie Monster, known by the locals of Ohio and Michigan as Bessie or South Bay Bessie, has been sighted by numerous people in Lake Erie since 1793. Legends describing a water serpent living in the Great Lakes go back even farther. Most reports describe this monster as a gray-skinned snake-like creature measuring between 30 and 40 feet in length, with a body estimated to be a foot in diameter. Other observers have described Bessie as being more similar to a Plesiosaurus, much like her more well-known counterpart in Scotland, Nessie. Some locals speculate that there are two different cryptids lurking in the shallow depths of Lake Erie, while others believe that these sightings are all the same monster.

Some cryptozoologists believe that Bessie can live on both land and in the water. Though skeptics claim that a creature the size of Bessie could not possibly live in Lake Erie because the lake could not sustain such a creature, let alone a breeding population, many cryptozoologists believe it would be possible for such a creature to adapt to its environment over time, and be able to inhabit Lake Erie.

Some skeptics believe that the legend of Bessie comes from misidentification of sturgeons, as sturgeons have no limit to their growth potential and can live for over 100 years. The largest sturgeon ever recorded was 12 feet long and weighed 1100 pounds. Believers claim that Bessie is not a sturgeon, and is, in fact, a monster similar to either a sea serpent or a plesiosaur. They claim that Bessie is much larger than even the largest sturgeon.

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This article was fun to write, so I’m planning to write some more on similar topics. What other mysterious creatures, paranormal phenomenon, or Lake Erie area mysteries would you like me to write about next? Let me know in the comments!

Why You Should Celebrate Black Cat Appreciation Day on August 17th

August 17th is Black Cat Appreciation Day!

Black Cat Appreciation Day is coming up in two days. Check out my article to learn more about this great holiday, and how you can celebrate it to show appreciation for the black cats in your life.

Black cats are the least likely to be adopted from shelters. Celebrate Black Cat Appreciation Day on August 17th to bring awareness to these beautiful and loyal pets.

Why You Should Celebrate Black Cat Appreciation Day on August 17th

Since 2011, cat lovers around the world have celebrated Black Cat Appreciation Day on August 17th. It is a day to celebrate and appreciate the black cats in your life. If you don’t already have a black-furred feline friend but have been thinking about adopting one, Black Cat Appreciation Day is an excellent day to visit shelters; many animal shelters, including the ASPCA, run adoption specials for black cats on this day.

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Reducing the Risk of Cancer in Cats: How to Prevent Cancer in Your Feline Friend

How to reduce your cat's risk of cancer

With Black Cat Appreciation Day coming up, I wanted to post a few entries about pet care, particularly cats.

Cats can develop many types of cancer, just like humans. It is important for cat owners to do everything they can to reduce their cat’s risk and susceptibility to these deadly diseases.

Reducing the Risk of Cancer in Cats: How to Prevent Cancer in Your Feline Friend

Cats are susceptible to many of the same diseases as humans, including many types of cancer. Though cancer isn’t as common in cats as it is in humans and dogs, cancer in cats tends to be more aggressive and deadly. Because of this, it is important for cat owners to be aware of things they can do to help prevent their cats from developing cancer in the first place. Though cancer risks cannot be completely eliminated, the risks can be mitigated by taking a proactive approach in protecting your feline friend’s health.

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Recognizing the Signs of Depression in Cats: How to Know If Your Cat Is Depressed

Recognizing Depression in Cats

Cats can develop depression, just like humans. It is important for cat owners to recognize these 10 signs and symptoms of depression in their cats so that they cat get the veterinary care they need.

Recognizing the Signs of Depression in Cats: How to Know If Your Cat Is Depressed

Though depression and mental illness, in general, are usually thought to be uniquely human problems, other animals including cats can also suffer from this disorder. The brains of humans and cats are remarkably similar, especially the part of the brain that controls emotions. The thinking patterns of cats are very similar to those of humans, partially because of the similarity in neurotransmitters in both species. Because of this, cats can suffer from many of the same mental illnesses as humans. It is important for pet owners to understand the signs and symptoms of depression in cats so that they can get their feline friends the help they need.

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Why You Should Never Shave Your Dog or Cat for the Summer

Why you shouldn't shave your pets for the summer.

Though many pet owners think they need to shave their pets’ coats to keep them cool in the summer, it is usually unnecessary and potentially dangerous. Both cats and dogs have evolved their coats to keep them insulated against extreme temperatures, both hot and cold, and do not need to be shaved when it gets warm outside. The only time you need to shave your pet is for specific health reasons, not just because it is summer.

Why You Should Never Shave Your Dog or Cat for the Summer

Many pet owners believe that shaving their cat or dog’s coat is a good way to keep their furry friend cool during the blazing hot summer months. After all, humans prefer to wear as little clothing as possible in the summer to keep cool and wouldn’t even dream of wearing a fur coat when the temperatures surpass 90 degrees. Perhaps you even get your own hair cut short for the summer to reduce sweating. Doesn’t it make sense to remove your dog or cat’s fur coat so that they can be more comfortable in the hot weather too?

Contrary to popular belief, there is no benefit to shaving your pet’s fur during the summer. The fur of cats and dogs is much different from human hair and actually helps to protect them from the heat and sun. With a few exceptions, veterinarians advise pet owners against shaving their furry friends’ fur during the summer.

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How to Set up the Worm Factory 360 Vermicomposting System: Getting Started With Worm Composting

How to Set Up the Worm Factory 360

I’ve been using the Worm Factory 360 for about a year and a half now. I got it mainly to use as a means of reducing waste that I sent to the landfill. The resulting compost/worm castings are great for using in the garden and on flower beds. Since starting the Worm Factory, I’ve also started a regular compost pile in my back yard, and I’ve just started a “lasagna” compost bed where my garden is going to be next year. There is no reason to send kitchen scraps and yard waste to the landfill when you can use them to create excellent fertilizer for your lawn and garden. This article is about setting up the Worm Factory 360 to get started with vermicomposting.

The Worm Factory 360 vermicomposting system makes composting accessible, even to people with little space. Though initially setting up a worm bin may seem daunting, this system is easy to set up and maintain by following these simple guidelines.

How to Set up the Worm Factory 360 Vermicomposting System: Getting Started With Worm Composting

The worm factory 360 is a vermicomposting system consisting of stackable trays, which makes indoor vermicomposting easy for anyone, even people with little space. This stackable vermicomposting system makes it simple to create and harvest vermicompost in your home. With traditional one-compartment vermicomposting bins, it is difficult to sort the worms and in-process compost material from the finished compost material. With this stackable worm bin, the worms migrate upward toward new food materials, and away from the finished compost, making harvesting the finished vermicompost easy. This nutrient-rich organic compost can be used on house plants or in your garden. Because the system allows new trays to be stacked on top of each other, this system also takes up little space, allowing anyone to begin composting in their home. If properly set up and maintained, the Worm Factory 360 does not smell bad, even when kept indoors. Even people living in city apartments or houses in the suburbs can compost at home and reduce the amount of trash they are sending to the landfill using this method.

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