Our New Apartment

Here's my awesome desk. I believe you have my stapler...

We’ve had our new apartment for over a month. I promised I’d show off the place in my blog, even though anyone who actually cares about it has already seen it in person by now. Anyway, Here’s some photos of our awesome new apartment.

Here's my awesome desk. I believe you have my stapler...

Here's my awesome desk. I believe you have my stapler...

Here's our built-in bookshelves. This is were we keep our action figures and other nerdy crap.

Here's our built-in bookshelves. This is were we keep our action figures and other nerdy crap.

Hans let me hang my Sailor Moon wall scroll in the living room!

Hans let me hang my Sailor Moon wall scroll in the living room!

I decorated our air conditioner with Sailor Moon dolls and a dinosaur lamp.

I decorated our air conditioner with Sailor Moon dolls and a dinosaur lamp.

I’ve done some other stuff that was actually somewhat interesting over the the past month, such as go to an anime convention. (Read about it at 8BitBites!)

I will also be publishing short stories and novels in ebook form. My first one is just about ready to be published. Check back for my next post to find out how you can get them!

One comment

  1. Hans says:

    Yay! Our apartment is snazzy!

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